Featured Advertorial Section The Featured Advertorial Section is a customized mini site designed to be flexible to meet your specific needs and objectives. You may provide content for the advertorial spread or you may work with an United-Albania.com writer to develop content based on the theme. All Featured Advertorial Sections are limited to an exclusive sponsorship to ensure your message receives maximum reach and awareness, and giving you creative license to create the perfect page. United-Albania.com 's Featured Advertorial Sections are ideal marketing vehicles for advertisers who benefit from advertorial spreads in print media. Featured Advertorial section |  | Description | Requirements | Photography | Original file photo files, no borders, image credits, or image editing. | File size | Min. 640w x 480h | Resolution | Minimum 72 dpi | Approved file formats | JPG, TIF, PSD | Logos/other art work | Vector format (Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia freehand) and editable. EPS or PSD files are the preferred formats. Include all fonts, or outline all layers.Layered Adobe photoshop documents will work (layered .psd file) only if the logo may be manipulated onto a transparent background. There must also be versions for light and dark backgrounds. | Fonts | Truetype or PC compatible, any usage requirements should accompany the logo or piece of artwork. | Submission deadline | Nine full business days before start date. |
|  | All text and images are supplied by the Advertiser. There are no specifications for the exact size and weight of individual graphics as the final advertorial section will be put together and formatted by United-Albania.com's design team in order to keep the page uniform and the weight down. The total weight of all elements submitted for an advertorial page should be no more than 35K. |  |
Last Updated ( Friday, 28 October 2005 )